Saturday, June 29, 2013

Enjoy mtn sim with this

Nigerian student graduates with 5.0 CGPA in Russian University


Rapper/Entrepreneur “I’m not a businessman,” Jay-Z once rapped. “I’m a business, man.” True to his word, the Brooklyn-born MC is not only one of the greatest hip hop artists of all time, but he has parlayed musical success into profitable business ventures in music, fashion, and sports. Since his 1996 debut Reasonable Doubt, Jay-Z has collected 10 Grammy Awards and launched the career of Kanye West, Rihanna, and Willow Smith—among others. The husband of R&B superstar BeyoncĂ© Knowles recently added author to his resume with the release of his bestselling memoir, Decoded. Watched the Throne—his latest album with Ye—reached platinum status and produced hits like “Otis.” On January 7, 2012 the entrepreneur/CEO and BeyoncĂ© welcomed their first child, Blue Ivy Carter, into the world. Jay’s musical tribute to his daughter included a clip of Blue’s cries, making her the youngest person to earn a spot on a Billboard chart at two days old. In 2013, he entered the sports agent business with the opening of Roc Nation Sports.

Lil Wayne

Rapper If New Orleans–born original Hot Boy Lil Wayne (Dwayne Carter) calls himself the best rapper alive, you can’t blame him. Signed to Cash Money Records at the age of nine, he’s put in more work than most rappers could ever imagine. Weezy has collaborated with everybody from Destiny’s Child to Gym Class Heroes. Known for his furious work ethic, Wayne has churned out dozens of mixtapes that help him build a loyal fanbase. The prolific platinum-selling MC proved his mettle on his sixth solo album, The Carter III, which sold over a million copies in one week and won a 2009 Grammy Award for Best Rap Album. Since then Wayne launched the Young Money movement, championing new talents like Drake and Nicki Minaj. He also released his 10th studio LP this past March, and made headlines after being dropped from an endorsement deal with Mountain Dew for referencing civil rights figure Emmett Till in Future’s “Karate Chop (remix).” is taking Pharrell to court over i am OTHER Brand Sues Pharrell over trademark claims

The Black Eyed Peas frontman is reportedly suing The Neptunes producer over his i am OTHER brand.

According to Rolling Stone, will claims that he owns the copyright to the phrase I AM and that the logo for Pharrell’s brand is “confusingly similar,” according to official court documents.

He wants to prevent Pharrell from using his i am OTHER brand on clothing and other merchandise similar to products that bear his own I AM logo. “The registration of the mark . . . is likely to dilute the I AM mark and the WILL.I.AM mark,” reads the document.

Lawyers for Pharrell and i am OTHER have filed a response to will’s suit, denying all such claims.

“I am disappointed that Will, a fellow artist, would file a case against me,” Pharrell tells Rolling Stone. “I am someone who likes to talk things out and, in fact, I attempted to do just that on many occasions. I am surprised in how this is being handled and I am confident that Will’s trademark claims will ultimately be found to be as meritless and ridiculous as I do.”

Despite legal documents, will claims that he is not suing Pharrell. “ not suing @Pharrell and I never was… what doing is #iamangel TRANS4Ming inner cities with #STEAM tools,” he tweeted after the report surfaced

Mariah Carey releases Spanglish remix to hit “#Beautiful"

The diva is going bilingual.

Mariah Carey is going bilingual. The pop icon and Miguel cross over into the international market with “#Hermosa,” the Spanglish remix to their hit “#Beautiful.”

The Spanglish version marks the second of five planned remixes to “#Beautiful.” Earlier this week, Mariah released a remix with A$AP Rocky and is planing a hip-hop remix and dance mixes.

This is not Mariah’s first time singing in Spanish. She previously recorded versions of her hits “Hero” and “My All” for her Spanish-speaking Lambs.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Makama Hall Awareness

Makama Hall will be starting their Hall-week on monday. so tonight, the ladies of makama would be dancing around the school with joy to create awareness.

Rick Ross is being sued!

Apparently the MMG rapper neglected to pay his bill of $90,000 for three custom Rolexes...

NEWS: Thank You, Rachel Jeantel

Rachel Jeantel watches defense attorney Don West while on the stand during George Zimmerman’s trial for the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. (Reuters/Jacob Langston/Pool)

Rachel Jeantel was the last person to speak to Trayvon Martin before George Zimmerman killed him on the night of February 26, 2012. On the third day of Zimmerman’s murder trial, after opening statements that featured the words “fucking punks” and knock-knock joke, and testimony from a number of witnesses, Rachel took the stand.

Visibly shaken, Rachel recounted the details of her phone conversation with Trayvon the night he was killed. She says he told her that a “creepy-ass cracker” was watching him. He attempted to lose him, but the man kept following, at which point Rachel suggested that Trayvon run. The phone was disconnected shortly after, and when the two were reconnected, Trayvon told Rachel, “The nigga is behind me.” Rachel then heard a bump, the sounds of “wet grass,” and what she thought to be Trayvon saying, “Get off.”

The court took a recess after the state was finished questioning Rachel, as she was too broken up to continue at that moment. When they returned, Don West, a lawyer on Zimmerman’s defense team, resumed the questioning. Rachel’s demeanor noticeably shifted. She became agitated, answering West’s questions with quick “yes”es and exasperated “no”s. The more tedious the questions, the more frustrated she became. She was looking at a man trying to get someone off for killing her friend. West was doing what a defense lawyer does, of course, by trying to catch Rachel in a lie, poke holes in her story and cast doubt on her credibility. And the way she responded reflected the fact she knew exactly what was going on and she was determined not to let him rattle her. She may have frustrated him just as much as he did her.

Rachel’s testimony is an emotional reminder of just what happened. A teenage boy was killed. His family and friends were left to mourn. For some of them, the pain is still fresh. The man responsible walked free for more than a month. There’s a possibility he could be found not guilty.

Several times, West brought up the fact Rachel lied about her reasons for not attending Trayvon’s wake. “You. Got. To. Un. Der. Stand,” she told West, breaking up each syllable to emphasize her frustration. “I’m the last person—you don’t know how I felt. You think I really want to go see the body after I just talked to him?”

Rachel Jeantel isn’t a Hollywood actress. She’s not a trained professional. She doesn’t testify in court regularly. She’s a young black woman missing her friend. She showed up to court to give all the information she had as to what happened the night he died.

“Are you listening?” she asked West at highly contentious point her testimony where it seemed he had either lost interest or chosen to ignore the things she was saying. How many young black women could ask that question to the world daily? We should be listening more. We should hear what the Rachels of the world have to say. It’s unclear how Rachel’s testimony will affect the jury and the ultimate outcome, whether they’ll read her as hostile and uncooperative. No matter what, though, Rachel stood and defended herself and Trayvon (and frankly, many other black youth) against the condescension, against silencing, and against the character attacks. For that, she should be commended and thanked.

Thank you, Rachel Jeantel.

Following Facebook Fortune-Funded Bonus Plan, Newark Union Head Barely Wins Re-Election

Eight months after negotiating “performance bonuses” funded by a Facebook fortune, Newark Teachers Union President Joseph Del Grosso was re-elected Tuesday by a margin of nine votes. A challenger slate that’s drawn inspiration from the Chicago Teachers Union captured seventeen of the twenty-nine seats on the NTU’s executive board while barely falling short in its bid to oust Del Grosso. The new and old union officers will be sworn in together this afternoon, setting the stage for further conflict over the union’s orientation towards a nationally-ascendant education reform agenda.

“There was no overwhelming mandate for either slate,” Del Grosso told The Nation Thursday. He charged that his opponents “gave out a lot of bad erroneous information to the members” during the campaign, and said that having captured a majority of the board, “they’ll learn about unionism from the inside. So sometimes it’s nice to have people who like throwing rocks at people that are on the inside, actually be inside” themselves. Teacher Branden Rippey, a leader of the competing NEW Caucus who was Del Grosso’s opponent in Tuesday’s election, countered, “I think he and other union leaders like him feed right into the corporate reform agenda, if they have not collaborated with it.”

As I reported for In These Times in October, the Newark contract deal was celebrated by Republican Governor Chris Christie and by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, who called the deal “a system of the future” and an example “that collective bargaining really works.” In contrast, Rippey told The Nation the deal “basically is a complete capitulation to the corporate agenda.”

Under the agreement, management agreed to have a portion of teachers’ evaluations be based on “peer review” by other teachers; the union agreed to have a portion of teachers’ compensation come in the form of bonuses distributed based on their evaluations. The bonuses will be paid for from a $100 million fund donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in 2010, a high-profile example of the influence a wealthy philanthropist can wield with donations to a cash-strapped school system.

Del Grosso and Weingarten have both rejected the term “merit pay” to describe the new system, noting that the bonuses will compose only part of teachers’ compensation and will be based only in part on test scores. Del Grosso called the new system “performance pay”; Weingarten last fall called it “a full compensation system where the work you do and the compensation you have are tied in together.” While “in the beginning some people see it as not a good thing,” Del Grosso told The Nation, he considers winning peer review “one of the hallmarks” of his eighteen years at the union’s helm. “It’s the thing that’s going to allow teachers to take control of their profession,” he said, “and become free professionals like doctors and lawyers and engineers.”

Under a 2012 law signed by Christie and supported by NTU, Newark schools will be required to include testing in evaluations. NEW Caucus’ Rippey described a requirement that student test scores make up 35% of evaluations next year as “brutal,” and “like suicide for teachers in an urban district with 32% child poverty.” Del Grosso told The Nation that he was hopeful that the state education board would scale back the role of testing in evaluations. He said last fall that he agreed to support the law – which also makes it easier to fire teachers who receive poor evaluations - on the condition that it offer the option for union contracts to implement peer review.

NEW Caucus members have noted that the Newark schools superintendent retains ultimate authority over evaluation decisions; they warned last fall that the new system was merit pay by another name, and would divide workers and undermine experience-based or across-the-board raises in the future. The NEW Caucus mounted an unsuccessful effort in October to convince a majority of their co-workers to vote down the proposed deal; it passed with 62% support. (NEW stands for Newark Education Workers; the word “workers” is an intentional contrast to national unions’ emphasis on teachers as “professionals.”)

Rippey slammed “turnaround” and “renew” schools provisions in the October deal, which allow the superintendant to designate a set number of schools for mass layoffs; Del Grosso countered that those provisions would “prevent charter schools.” Rippey also charged that the deal shortchanged teachers on annual “step increase” raises they could have won during the two years they were working without a contract. Del Grosso countered that the critics have “an erroneous view of how contracts are negotiated in New Jersey…you begin bargaining from a standpoint of zero.” He added that Republicans “tell me that Newark raped the state and the taxpayers because we got too much money.”

Tuesday’s NTU election follows April’s leadership election in the AFT’s largest local, New York’s United Federation of Teachers. In both cases, incumbents survived challenges from caucuses demanding more aggressive opposition to the mainstream “education reform” agenda backed by billionaires like Zuckerberg. Both Newark’s NEW Caucus and New York’s MORE Caucus have taken inspiration from the Congress of Rank and File Educators, a caucus which seized control of the Chicago Teachers Union in a 2010 election and then mounted last summer’s week-long strike.

Like Chicago’s CORE Caucus, Rippey said NEW plans to use its foothold on the executive board to push for greater democracy in the union, to re-engage members, and to build deeper ties to the broader community in Newark. “We’re not trying to just be a bread and butter union,” said Rippey. “We’re trying to make society better for everyone.” Rippey said that he sees “little bubbles” of such teacher unionism “starting to bubble up in different parts of the country.” But “I think we’re only about 5% of the way to building a movement.”

Asked about the NEW Caucus’ invocations of the Chicago strike, Del Grosso said, “The people in the Caucus have the right to apply for jobs there. Strikes are legal in Chicago. They’re not legal in New Jersey.”

Asked in March whether she hoped to see NEW and MORE oust incumbents in Newark and New York, CORE activist and current Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis offered stopped short of offering an endorsement: “I think every local has to decide what works for them….If you’re teaching, you know that every kid isn’t at the same place, you know, so you have to differentiate your instruction. So some people are more ready to be accepting of a different way of looking at ‘union.’”

NEWS: Immigration focus on House after Senate OKs bill

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attention is shifting to the House and its conservative majority after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S. citizenship to millions while pouring billions of dollars into securing the border with Mexico. The bill's prospects are highly uncertain in the Republican-led House, where conservatives generally oppose citizenship for immigrants living in the country unlawfully. Many also prefer a step-by-step approach rather than a comprehensive bill like the legislation the Senate passed Thursday on a bipartisan vote of 68-32.

NEWS: China 'sex-tape' official Lei Zhengfu jailed for 13 years

A Chinese ex-official at the centre of a sex tape extortion scandal has been jailed for 13 years for accepting bribes.

Lei Zhengfu, formerly a senior official in China's Chongqing district, was sacked from his post after a sex tape featuring him was put online last year.

He has also been fined 300,000 yuan ($48,000; £32,000). His lawyer says he may appeal, Chinese state media report.

At least 10 officials have been dismissed as a result of the scandal.

Lei was accused of accepting bribes of around 3.16m Chinese yuan ($0.51m; £0.33m).

According to China's state-owned China News Service, Lei told his lawyer earlier that he would consider appealing if found guilty.

The businessman who arranged the alleged trap and the woman in the video with Lei are also on trial.

The businessman, Xiao Ye, is accused of luring several officials into so-called "honey traps".

His idea was to use the videos to extort money or ensure favourable contracts for property developments, reports say.

The blackmail scheme was exposed by a blogger and investigative journalist, Zhu Ruifeng.

President Xi Jinping has made cracking down on corruption a key priority since becoming China's leader.

#UPDATE: Wizkid, 2Face & Ice Prince Didn’t Donate To The #SaveOJB Project Yet

News making rounds suggested Wizkid donated 3Million Naira to OJB Jezreel & 2Face also donated 1.5Million Naira but close sources have said the news is false!

Only DON JAZZY, Ruggedman, IYANYA and a few others have donated so far.

These are the people who have officially donated as of this report: Don Jazzy, Mercy Johnson, Ruggedman, Psquare, Achivas(solid star) and Friends nd Fans

Thursday, June 27, 2013

D’banj Signs N250Million Deal With Etisalat As Ambassador

Source gathered that D’banj was paid 5 times what other Naija artistes get… I hear a cheque of N250m was issued to him by Etisalat, a company that really wants to re-establish itself as a leader in the industry, after losing its brand face, Saka, to MTN under controversial circumstances. The deal was struck recently and D’banj has already shot some commercials for Etisalat being prepared for release. D’banj continues to maintain his leadership role in the industry and his latest show, the DKM concert which took place in Lagos on Sunday was a huge success.


Ridin Round - Single Soulja Boy Tell 'Em

Wizkid to collaborate on new music with KSA + his album track list

He has already collaborated with the king of Afrobeat, Femi Kuti, now he's about to collaborate with the king of Juju music, King Sunny Ade. Wizkid has also unveiled part of the track list of his highly anticipated album which will soon be released. See it after the cut...

Obama 'playing catch up,' as Africa looks to China

(CNN) -- Contrasting Barack Obama's upcoming visit to Africa with Chinese president Xi Jinping's recent tour indicates seismic shifts not only within Africa but also in terms of global power. On this visit, only Obama's second to Africa since he became president (Xi visited Africa during his first foreign tour as head of state, in March this year), he will be visiting a continent which feels increasingly less beholden to American dictates. China's growing economic influence in Africa, which generated more than $160 billion in bilateral trade in 2011 (when U.S. merchandise trade with Africa was worth just $95 billion), plays an important role in this shifting sentiment. Ross Anthony, Stellenbosch University An interesting characteristic of the recent Chinese visit to Africa was the virtual lack of any protest -- and this has also been the case for previous visits by Chinese heads of state. In South Africa, where Obama will be visiting, the politically powerful umbrella group for the country's unions, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), will be throwing its weight behind the "NObama" campaign, which seeks to call on "millions" on the African continent "outraged at the horrifying record of U.S. foreign policy." While China seems an easy target in terms of its own unflattering human rights record and lack of democracy -- particularly for many African post-colonial states that have waged wars against the tyranny of imperialism -- reaction is surprisingly mute. One of the reasons for this is that Chinese oppression is viewed as largely reserved to its domestic sphere. America, particularly in the wake of its "War on Terror" and its various military interventions, has made much of the developing world, Africa included, suspicious of its freedom-promoting agenda. The often patronizing, strings-attached variety of aid given by the U.S. smacks to many Africa leaders of neo-colonial paternalism. Ross Anthony, Stellenbosch University The often patronizing, strings-attached variety of aid given by the U.S. smacks to many African leaders of neo-colonial paternalism. China, by comparison, is loath to interfere in African internal affairs, doling out aid to democrats, autocrats and kleptocrats alike. China's "non-interference" policy is warmly welcomed by many African states, although to what degree China can maintain such a stance as its presence grows, remains to be seen. Read this: Economist Dambisa Moyo, 'China can transform Africa' Certainly, it has deployed peacekeepers to troubled regions such as Liberia and the DR Congo and has offered assistance in combating Islamic militancy and piracy in Mali and Somalia respectively, but only hesitantly. In Sudan, where it had a virtual monopoly on brokering peace between the north and the south, it engaged from a distance. Does aid stifle African growth? China's economic influence in Africa Africans look for opportunities in China In official discourse, China frequently insists that it has no intentions to build military or naval bases in Africa. This can be contrasted with the United States camp Lemmonier on the coast of Djibouti and the setting up of the United States African Command (AFRICOM), responsible for military operations in 53 African countries. The United States has let it be known that it is not impressed with certain aspects of the warming relations between China and Africa. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on her 2012 trip to Africa asserted that the U.S. would continue to stand up on human rights issues, "even when it might be easier or more profitable to look the other way, to keep the resources flowing" -- a comment widely believed to be aimed at China. This statement goes to the heart of a much broader issue regarding China's presence in Africa and how it differs from Western engagement. China has a fundamentally different conception of human rights. In China's view, developing impoverished regions is the most fundamental step in addressing human misery. As the Chinese proverb goes: "To get rich, build roads first!" It is for this reason that China sees its vast infrastructure and aid projects in Africa as a far more sincere gift to the African people than that of democracy. Additionally, China is itself a highly autocratic state which has deployed a rapid and often coercive development model to bring its own people out of poverty (some 350 million and counting). This is the only political and economic recipe it knows. China sees its vast infrastructure and aid projects in Africa as a far more sincere gift to the African people than that of democracy. Ross Anthony, Stellenbosch University While many African states welcome a vast trading partner like China no longer holding them hostage to the fluctuations of Western markets, there is equally a danger of over-enthrallment. Research findings on African people's feelings towards China (as opposed to their leaders) are mixed, with sporadic cases of anti-Chinese sentiment in countries such as Zambia and Ghana offset by a cautiously optimistic attitude toward the economic development and aid that they bring. Such ambivalence is warranted. China's investment on the continent is inextricably bound to securing access to African markets and resources -- a reciprocity which is referred in Chinese parlance as "win-win." And yet, when analysing overall trade patterns, the vast majority of African exports are raw materials while imports consist mainly of manufactured goods. This resembles a non-value-added economic pattern which harks back to the days of European colonialism. The official Chinese line is that, with increasing Chinese FDI, the setting up of Special Economic Zones and a growing African manufacturing base, this unhealthy pattern will change. A cynical retort to this is that China is primarily concerned with winning the scramble for global resources (for which the U.S. is its major competitor) and African welfare comes far second. While issues of humanitarianism and combatting terrorism will be high on Obama's agenda, the administration has woken up to the fact that investment is also a priority. Africans have China to thank for that. The fact that Obama's upcoming visit is readily cast in the shadow of China also suggests that Africa is increasingly becoming a site of struggle for broader geostrategic influence between the two powers. Its significant mineral reserves, strategic position and growing economy make it an important pivot. This puts African leaders in a somewhat enviable position and if they play their cards right, they stand to benefit from both the East and the West

Ailing Nelson Mandela on life support, official says

Pretoria, South Africa (CNN) -- South Africans lit candles outside the hospital where anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela lay Wednesday night as an official who had been briefed in detail on his condition reported the former president was on life support. Considered the founding father of South Africa's multiracial democracy, the 94-year-old Mandela has been hospitalized since June 8 for a recurring lung infection. Authorities have described his condition as critical since Sunday, and President Jacob Zuma said earlier Wednesday that Mandela's condition remained unchanged, South Africa's national news agency reported. After visiting Mandela late Wednesday night, Zuma canceled his visit Thursday to Mozambique where he was supposed to attend a summit on infrastructure investment, the presidency's website said. South African government spokesman Mac Maharaj told CNN that officials are unable to comment on reports that Mandela was on life support, citing doctor-patient confidentiality rules. In a statement issued late Tuesday, the government said Mandela's doctors "continue to do their best to ensure his recovery, well-being and comfort." As the nation remained on edge, police barricaded the street leading to the hospital's main entrance. Well-wishers hung balloons, stuffed animals and messages of support along the wall, and crowds hovering nearby sang "Where is Mandela?" Reports: Nelson Mandela on life support Revolutionary and politician Nelson Mandela Revolutionary and politician Nelson Mandela Daughter: He is at peace The whole world prays for one man "We need you!," one sign read. "We love you tata, get well soon!" said another, referring to Mandela by the Xhosa word for father. Someone else left a stone upon which was written, "Sending you light and love." Several members of the family came out to collect some of those items Wednesday. "He's going to feel a lot better when he sees these signs," said David Manaway, Mandela's grandson-in-law. Why Mandela has six names Mandela's former physician and the nation's ex-surgeon general, Dr. Vejay Ramlakan, also visited the hospital Wednesday, said the national news agency, South African Press Association. Mandela became an international figure while enduring 27 years in prison for fighting against apartheid, the country's system of racial segregation. He was elected the nation's first black president in 1994, four years after he was freed. Nelson Mandela Fast Facts "He is our hero. He is my mentor, my father. He is everything to me," said Kuda Nyahumzvi, 36. "But when it is his time, we wish his soul could just rest. He spent so long in jail and struggling." Even as he has faded from the spotlight, he remains popular and is considered a hero of democracy worldwide. As South Africans steeled themselves for the worst, details emerged about the family's meeting in his boyhood home of Qunu on Tuesday. An archbishop also stopped by the hospital and conducted prayers, calling for "a quiet night and a peaceful, perfect end" for the former president. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba joined the family at the hospital where Mandela remained in critical condition, the South African Press Association reported. "Fill them with your holy courage and the gift of trusting faith, and take away their fears so that they may dare to face their grief," he said, according to a copy of the prayer posted on the bishop's website. "And uphold all of us with your steadfast love so that we may be filled with gratitude for all the good that he has done for us and for our nation, and may honor his legacy through our lives." 7 Things You Can Learn From Nelson Mandela's Life During the meeting in Qunu, funeral arrangements were not part of the talks, family friend Bantu Holomisa said, according to SAPA. As a former head of state, plans for Mandela's funeral are spearheaded by the government, according to Holomisa. Mandela turns 95 in July. Nelson Mandela in critical condition days before Obama visit

Mercy Johnson visits OJB with Her New Lexus GX 460

Her husband, Prince Odi Okojie, bought her the SUV a few weeks back. Peep the plate number. Meanwhile Mercy Johnson was spotted at OJB's Gbaja residence this afternoon. Heard she made a generous donation to the ailing music producer but didn't want her photos taken. So my pap took a photo of her car instead...:-) Also heard that so far OJB has only been able to raise N3million. Don Jazzy, Ruggedman and Mercy Johnson Okojie are the only well known celebs that have donated so far. Though I hear P-Square and their brother Jude Okoye are planning to pay him a visit soon. I'm kinda surprised it's taking this long to raise this money. I can't tell his colleagues what to do with their money, but c'mon guys! C'mon!

Native and Vogue Port Harcourt International Fashion Week 2013

It’s the Native and Vogue Port Harcourt International Fashion Week 2013, a groundbreaking event holding in Port Harcourt that will showcase works from local and international designers with extensive and outstanding media coverage! As a build up to this grand event, the organizers have put 2 different competitions which you don’t want to miss!!! Are you a beautiful or handsome guy or girl between the ages 18 to 25? Are you from or do you live in Rivers State? Then, you have the opportunity to be one of the two official faces of this fashion week. One male and one female model will each win N500, 000 and a fantastic opportunity to launch the modeling career they have always dreamed of. To participate, simply send the following: · Head shots (front and side views) · Birth certificate/declaration of age · Name and phone number to Height requirements: Male: 5ft 11” Females: 5ft 9” Prizes to be won include: 1. 3 million Naira scholarship to the prestigious Vucani Fashion School, South Africa. 2. One year mentorship programme with a renowned fashion designer. 3. Automatic membership into FADAN 4. Design features in notable fashion magazines. For more information, please visit or like us on, follow us on Twitter @nativeandvogue or call 08096303350. All Entries will close July 14th, 2013.

Wizkid Features Banky W, Don Jazzy, Olamide On New Album

Checkout the Tracklists off Wizkid’s new album featuring Olamide, Don Jazzy, Banky W, Efya, Seyi Shay… Can’t wait to cop it!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Photos: Eucharia Anunobi arrives Dakar, Senagal for crusade

he former actress turned evangelist arrived Dakar Senegal yesterday for a mega crusade holding at the Gate Family Church, Dakar, Senegal, between the 24th and 30th of June. Eucharia will be ministering everyday from 5pm. Venue is 2, Voir Camp Penal - Opp. Macky Sall's Office, Dakar.

"I have 8 to 10 weeks left to get the transplant done" OJB Jezreel says

OJB Jezreel gave an interview to Encomium magazine yesterday Monday June 24th where he said he has about eight weeks left to get his operation done. Excerpts... "When early diagnosis was done, it was just a case of renal failure. Right now, my two kidneys are gone. We are running dialysis at the moment. It started two years ago, but gradually depreciated. Most people tend to attribute kidney problem to drinking and smoking. I was told it doesn't have anything to do with that, because as much as I drink and smoke then, it was casual drinking. Maybe they offer you a bottle of drink and all that but not like I drink 15 bottles a day. I have a friend who has gone through this and he never drank or smoked. "The whole process of the treatment from pre-process, transplanting process and post-transplanting will cost about $100, 000. In two years I have spent up to N5million which I have been trying to maintain myself. That is why it has been kept secret." "God willing, I have like eight to ten weeks more to get the transplant done. It's strange, I still walk around a little. I can't eat much though. I trust God and Nigerians for their financial support"

OJB Jezreel Needs N15m For Kidney Transplant

The music producer and artist needs N15million for a kidney transplant in India. To donate please see the acounnt details below - Babatunde Okungbowa. UBA - 1015075120. Thanks

Is it a good idea to bring your Pet to school?

omolag caught this gentle Unilag guy chilling with his pet in front of Access bank and its really nice.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nelson Mandela critically ill in hospital

Karen Allen: "There is a sense of deep sadness in South Africa today" Nelson Mandela has become critically ill in hospital, the South African presidency has announced. President Jacob Zuma said he had visited Mr Mandela and spoken to his wife and medical teams. Doctors were "doing everything possible to get his condition to improve" said Mr Zuma in a statement. South Africa's first black president, 94, was taken to hospital in Pretoria earlier this month for the third time this year, with a lung infection. Mr Zuma said he had been told by doctors on Sunday that the former president's condition had worsened over the past 24 hours. "The doctors are doing everything possible to get his condition to improve and are ensuring that Madiba is well-looked after and is comfortable. He is in good hands," said President Zuma, using Mr Mandela's clan name by which he is widely known in South Africa. Mr Zuma - who was joined at the hospital by the deputy leader of his ruling African National Congress (ANC) Cyril Ramaphosa - appealed for prayers for Mr Mandela and his medical team. Mac Maharaj, Mr Zuma's spokesman, told the BBC's Newshour that the doctors' use of the word "critical" was "sufficient explanation that should raise concern amongst us". "Therefore we want to assure the public that the doctors are working away to try and get his condition to improve," he said. Mr Maharaj added that this was a stressful time for the Mandela family, and appealed for their privacy. "I think there is need to be sombre about the news. There is a need not to hold out false hopes but at the same time let's keep him in our thoughts and let's will him more strength," he said. The ANC - the party of Mr Mandela and Mr Zuma - said it "noted with concern" the latest reports, and that it joined the president in calling "for us all to keep Madiba, his family and medical team in our thoughts and prayers during this trying time". The White House issued a statement on Sunday saying: "Our thoughts and prayers are with him [Mr Mandela], his family and the people of South Africa." 'Expert care' The BBC's Andrew Harding in Johannesburg says the release of information relating to Mr Mandela is always carefully controlled by the government to avoid sparking alarm. Describing his condition as critical will be very worrying for South Africans, many of whom see him as like a family member, our correspondent says. There has been little information about his condition in recent days. On 13 June Mr Zuma said Mr Mandela's health continued to improve but that his condition remained serious. Continue reading the main story Nelson Mandela: Key dates 1918 Born in the Eastern Cape 1944 Joins African National Congress 1956 Charged with high treason, but charges dropped 1962 Arrested, convicted of sabotage, sentenced to five years in prison 1964 Charged again, sentenced to life 1990 Freed from prison 1993 Wins Nobel Peace Prize 1994 Elected first black president 1999 Steps down as leader More recently, one of Mr Mandela's grandsons, Ndaba Mandela, said his grandfather was getting better and he hoped he would be home soon. Last week, Mr Mandela's wife Graca Machel thanked all those who had sent messages of support, saying they had brought "love, comfort and hope". Mr Mandela is revered for leading the fight against white minority rule in South Africa and then preaching reconciliation despite being imprisoned for 27 years. He left power after five years as president. The former president and Nobel Peace Prize winner is believed to have suffered damage to his lungs while working in a prison quarry. He contracted tuberculosis in the 1980s while being held in jail on the windswept Robben Island. Mr Mandela retired from public life in 2004 and has rarely been seen at official events since. On Saturday, it emerged that the ambulance in which Mr Mandela was taken to hospital on 8 June broke down, meaning he had to be moved to another vehicle. But Mr Zuma said he had been assured that "all care was taken to ensure his medical condition was not compromised". "There were seven doctors in the convoy who were in full control of the situation throughout the period. He had expert medical care," he said. Mr Zuma also denied reports that the former leader had suffered a cardiac arrest.

Chris Brown goes off on Twitter after being charged with hit and run

M.I Pays Tribute To DaGrin And MC Loph

…As 70,000 fans troop out to see Wande Coal, JMartins, Mr Raw and Phyno It seems the season of drought has ended in Owerri, Imo State as superstar acts, M.I, JMartins,Mr Raw, Wande Coal, Phyno and Crystals brought over 70,000 thousands fans out to Hero Square Owerrifor the 3rd leg of the Star Music Trek concerts. Despite the poor weather and threatening rain, the crowd refused to leavethe concert venue until the very last note, forcing the night’s stars to extend their sets to satisfy eager fans who attended from Owerri, Abia, Enugu, Aba, Nnewi and other surrounding communities. Rave of the momentAzubuikeChibuzor Nelson,better known as Phyno,was undoubtedly the star of the night, delivering over 25 minutes of non-stop hits from his growing repertoire, includingAmanchiKwanu, My Cool and Ghost Modeall delivered with his unique infusion of Igbo Language, Pidgin and English. Unfortunately,despite his stellar performance, the artiste could not satisfy his fans even as he left the stage,as they kept demanding for encores. “I’m humbled by the love and appreciation’’,he said after his performance. Black Diamond, Wande Coal’s performance was,as one fan aptly put it:“simply off the hook’. Belting out a medley of his greatest hits includingYou Bad,Bumper 2 Bumper, Rotate and The Kick, the Mavin singerbrought an enormous amount of energy with him on stage. MrRaw returned to Owerri last weekend, with a rich set that justifies claims he’s one of the greatest acts from the South East. Backed by a 7-man band, the rapper connected with fans in ways words cannot capture, enjoying himself as much as the fans, and bringing back memories of some of his greatest classics over the years such as Obodo,Aragagbandiara, Spiritual Konji and more. And once again, JMartins brought tears to his fans eyes as he interrupted his powerful set spanning Touching Body, Good or Bad, Yoyo and more to bring Chukwudia handicapped fan up to the stage to dance. From his tribute performances in memory of DaGrin and MCLoph to his hit tracks, One Naira, Money Slow To Enter, Chairman and many more laced with his signature wit and hard-hitting style Mr Incredible,M.I, stayed on top of the moment stretching what was already an already extended concert performance to open up the early hours of the morning. The train moves on to Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, in Enugu this weekend, June 29. Star Music Trek 2013 spanning 10 weeks, will tour 8 other cities across the country, namely Aba, Abeokuta,Agege,(-Lagos) Asaba, Enugu, (-Lagos)Nnewi, and Surulere (Lagos). The grand finale of Star Music Trek 2013 ends on August 10, 2013 in Surulere, Lagos

Nelson Mandela in critical condition days before Obama visit

Throughout the night, crowds of people stood outside the hospital where former South African President Nelson Mandela is being treated, and among the balloons, posters and cards early Tuesday were dozens of news crews and broadcast vans. More than 40 vehicles crowded the parking spaces outside the Medi-Clinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria, the South African Press Association reported. Generators hummed and the area was brightly lit for the news organizations doing regular live broadcasts. Mandela's daughter Makaziwe Mandela left the hospital Monday night, SAPA reported. Other family members, including ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and daughters Zindzi Mandela-Motlhajwa and Zenani Mandela-Dlamini, left earlier in the day. Government officials paid visits as well. Mandela's wife, Graca Machel, spends every night at the hospital, where the former president has been since June 8 for a recurring lung infection. Previously, authorities had described his condition as serious but stable. But over the weekend, his health took a turn for the worse, with the South African president's office saying he was in critical condition. Daughter: He is at peace Nelson Mandela in critical condition Mandela relatives lay claim The whole world prays for one man "The doctors are doing everything possible to ensure his well-being and comfort," President Jacob Zuma told the nation Monday. The former president's health will not affect U.S. President Barack Obama's planned visit to the country this week, Zuma said, according to the press association. Mandela, 94, has become increasingly frail over the years and has not appeared in public since South Africa hosted the World Cup in 2010. Outside the hospital Monday, a security wall was awash with get-well cards, balloons, flowers, cards and paintings, the press association reported. Ready for the spiritual realm For Mandela's family, these are very personal times -- times to be cherished as the end nears. "I believe he is at peace," said Makaziwe Mandela, who was born in 1953 to Mandela's first wife, Evelyn. "All we do every day is take one day at a time and pray to the good Lord. "All I pray for as a daughter is that the transition is smooth. ... He is at peace with himself. He has given so much to the world." In and out of hospital The anti-apartheid hero has been in and out of the hospital in recent years. His history of lung problems dates to when he was a political prisoner on Robben Island during the apartheid era, and he has battled respiratory infections since. Considered the founding father of South Africa's democracy, Mandela became an international figure while enduring 27 years in prison for fighting against apartheid, the country's system of racial segregation. South Africa's governing African National Congress noted "with concern" Sunday the change in Mandela's health. "The African National Congress joins the presidency in calling upon all of us to keep President Mandela, his family and his medical team in our thoughts and prayers during this trying time," it said. A Nobel laureate In 1993, Mandela and then-South African President F.W. de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize. The iconic leader was elected the nation's first black president a year later, serving only one term, as he had promised. Even as he has faded from the spotlight, he remains popular and is considered a hero of democracy in the nation. Last year, South Africa launched a new batch of banknotes with a picture of a smiling Mandela on the front. His impact extends far beyond South Africa. After he left office, he mediated conflicts in Africa and the Middle East. Word of his worsening health drew global expressions of concern. "We have seen the latest reports from the South African government that former President Mandela is in critical condition," Caitlin Hayden, a U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement Sunday. "Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and the people of South Africa."

Unilag Young Enterpreneur

A lot of people have saying its not easy for a student to work in school but this gentle man prove them wrong. He is the face of URP, a fashion designer and ofcause the freshest in URP year two(200L). He is the one and only OJONG STANLEY. Omolag caught him on chilling in his faculty and asked him how he manage his time working as a Fashion Designer and schooling at the same time, in summary he said ' Determination and focus are the keys to success, though i have to miss some class to get materials but i thank God for everything is working out fine. So as a student you can work and make good grades if you know what you doing.