Friday, June 21, 2013

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s Baby Is Named …

The wait is over! Nearly a week after Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed their baby, the little girl's name has been revealed. A source confirms to omolag! that, after much back and forth, the tiny tot's name is ... drumroll, please ... North West. No, really. That's the Kimye baby's moniker. We're told the couple, who left the hospital with their new addition on Thursday night, had difficulty deciding on a name, with numerous people weighing in and offering their two cents. (We suspect many of the suggestions started with the letter "K.") Now they've settled on one and even have a nickname for their daughter: Nori. Back in March, Kardashian flatly denied that North was a possible name during an appearance on "The Tonight Show," and said she preferred Easton. Guess she changed her mind. You can see the birth certificate for yourself here. "North West would clearly be a 'concept name' ― Shanda Lear, daughter of Learjet founder Bill Lear, is a famous example," name expert and author Laura Wattenberg from tells omolag! "The allure of a concept name is that the surname makes that particular first name different from all other choices, and some parents can't resist. 'Echo names' like singer Phillip Phillips are a close style relative. "Direction names are uncommon in general, and almost always male," Wattenberg continues. "North is the second most common direction name for boys, after West. North doesn't have a traditionally name-like sound for either girls or boys, but parents have generally placed directions on the boys side, just as seasons (Summer, Autumn, even Winter) have gone to the girls." As for the most famous North in the pop culture world? Well, it's a funny story... "The best-known North was the title character of the 1994 film about a boy who tries to jettison his self-absorbed parents," says Wattenberg, referring to the role played by Elijah Wood. The description of the movie on IMDB notes that the parents are "always busy with their careers" and "don't give North the attention he needs." Gulp. Well, may little North West's life play out very, very differently. What do you think of Kim and Kanye's bold choice?

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